varietat de cactus

Cactus Astrophytum Capricorne

It lives in desert areas where there is practically no rainfall.

This Astrophytum Capricorne is known by various common names such as cactus scourer or cactus goat horn referring to the spikes that come from the top and that eventually snail inward. It is also said that the shape of these spikes is an imitation of the grass to camouflage the cactus of everything around it. It can be found naturally in northern Mexico, in rocky areas.

When in its initial phase, when small, it has a globular form, as the years go on, it grows into columnar or oval form. Because it is very slow growing, it is very difficult for us to see it in its final format, which can grow to a meter in height and be between ten and fifteen centimeters in diameter. The entire surface of the cactus, if we look at it well, is covered by the typical white tips in many other species. And if you touch it, and I recommend you don’t, these points disappear.

The most typical color of Astrophytum is light green with brown or gray spines, which are flattened and curled like a net. The irrigation must be moderate from March to October, when the cold begins to come, once every fortnight and stop irrigating completely in winter. It doesn’t like very cold, so it is good to keep them in a place where minimum temperatures do not fall from ten positive degrees. It is very risky to go down to five positive degrees, but this temperature is already considered dangerous. They are totally tolerant of drought. In the summer it is important to provide some shade, either through an umbrella or to move the cactus to a place where there is semi-shadow, but which is well lit. The flowers appear from spring to late summer and have a rather short life. They can last about four days and be bright yellow in the petals and red in the center.

A curious point about this species is also the name of capricorne, mentioning the constellation Zodiac, which represents the sign Capricorn.


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