varietat de cactus

Cactus Anacampseros Rufescens cv. sunrise

Give precious flowers growing in height. It is preferable to be in half shade. It is susceptible to humidity.

Here is the succulent Anacampseros rufescens cv. Sunrise. It is known by the common name Anacampseros sunrise. Originally from South Africa. It has slow growth and forms small rosette-shaped groups. The leaves are fleshy, finished in a tip and with colours ranging from green or pale yellow to reddish. Everything depending on exposure to the sun.

Flowering occurs between spring and summer, with striking but simple pink flowers.

This plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors; if it is cultivated indoors, it is important to place it in a very luminous and very good ventilation, in the outside to place it in a semi-shadow place. If no place is available under these conditions, in the middle of the day it can be covered so that the sun does not burn the leaves. Irrigation is recommended every fortnight in spring and summer and during winter once a month or not irrigate them if temperatures are equal or less than zero degrees.


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